Public Survey: Czechs & Israel ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** We are excited to share with you a report containing the results of our latest study on Cz towards Israel. The study emerged from a tight collaboration between the Herzl Center for and the Peace Research Center Prague [ URL ""] . Our aim was to assess the attitudes of the Czech public toward Israel, toward Czech-Israel toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In this context, we also aimed to learn more abou Czechs toward the Jewish people. The survey was conducted in January 2022 in cooperation with the polling company IPSOS on sample of the Czech population (1,004 respondents in total). This study is the beginning of a larger project whose goal is to map public attitudes towa Central European countries, particularly in the Visegrad countries (the Czech Republic, Sl and Poland) and Germany. We believe that this eventual comparative study will provide inte for academics, journalists, politicians, and the wider public. You can download the report (available in Czech and English) here [ URL "https://www.prcpr HCIS_PRCP_Public-attitudes-towards-Israel_REPORT_CZ_Finalni-1.pdf"] . Executive Summary: • Czechs declare a more positive attitude toward Israel than toward selected non-Western c Russia, China, Egypt, and others. At the same time, they rank Israel behind the Euro-Atl including the USA, Germany, and Hungary. • Regarding Czech-Israeli relations, more than two-thirds of Czechs consider them good. Ho Czechs are generally not very interested in information about Israel (64%). • Considering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to our respondents, both nations share of the responsibility for the conflict. Overall, however, pro-Israeli views tend t pro-Palestinian ones in Czech society. In terms of possible solutions to the conflict, C often inclined toward the “two-state solution” (45%) and international recognition of Pa However, when it comes to the Czech Republic's role in international organizations, inclined to support Israel than Palestine. • Czechs are reluctant to address the issue of Israel's security in the wider Middle the possible use of nuclear weapons, which has become a recurring topic in expert debate of the war in Ukraine. Most of the Czech population believes that there is no legitimate Israel's use of nuclear weapons, and more Czechs also reject than approve even pree against Iran. • Most of the Czech population (83%) agrees that they would not mind having a Jew as a nei two-thirds of Czechs (61%) think that the Holocaust is still a topic that needs to be re almost a quarter also admit that Czechs bear some responsibility for the suffering of Je War II. Concurrently, strong positive and negative stereotypes about Jews persist in Cze • It should be emphasized that Czech society, in general, does not have an opinion on subs questions about Israel or does not know how to answer them.