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Beyond the Two-State Solution: Rethinking the Path to Peace after October 7, 2023 (ENG)

5th November, 2024

After October 7th, 2023, what is next for Israelis and Palestinians? Is the two state solution still a viable option? What are the possible alternatives?

Prof. Adam Fagan from King’s College London will present other possible scenarios for the Israeli Palestinian coexistence.

Jinonice Campus, room B103B

Moderators: Dr. Irena Kalhousová & Richard Růžička

Antisemitism on Campus: Results from a New Survey at the University of California (ENG)

31st October, 2024

Jeffrey Kopstein is Dean´s Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Irvine. His research focuses on interethnic violence, voting patterns of minority groups, antisemitism, and anti-liberal tendencies in civil society.

Jinonice Campus, Room B103A

Izrael a Hamás ve válce: šance na nový začátek nebo konec nadějí na mír? (CZ)

11th March, 2024

Již téměř 6 měsíců probíhá válka mezi Izraelem a Hamásem. Masakr ze 7. října 2023 a následná vojenská operace v Gaze si vyžádaly bezprecedentní ztráty na životech civilistů. Jak události za posledních šest měsíců proměnily izraelskou a palestinskou společnost? Jak si stojí Benjamin Netanjahu, Palestinská samospráva a Hamás? Jaký dopad má tato válka na region Blízkého východu? Promění se role USA v regionu? A může tato eskalace násilí mezi Izraelci a Palestinci vést k obnovení jednání o mírovém řešení a nebo je mír na Blízkém východě zase více v nedohlednu?

Těmto a dalším otázkám se během naší již druhé tématické diskuze v Městské knihovně v Praze budou věnovat ředitelka Herzlova centra izraelských studií UK Irena Kalhousová a novinář a bývalý zahraniční reportér České televize na Blízkém východě Jakub Szántó. Diskuzi bude moderovat Jan Bumba, moderátor Českého rozhlasu.

Diskuze se bude konat v pondělí 11. března 2024 ve Velkém sále Městské knihovny v Praze (Mariánské náměstí 1, Praha 1) a bude také živě streamována na FB Herzlova centra UK, po akci bude k dispozici její záznam na Youtube kanálu Městské knihovny v Praze.

Diskuze bude probíhat v českém jazyce.

Rezervace není nutna.

Herzl Movie Night vol. 3: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Movies (ENG)

15 November, 2023

For the third time, the Herzl Center for Israel Studies at Charles University is organizing a movie night!

Come to watch and discuss with us movie "Oslo" from HBO production (2021) directed by Bartlett Sher. The movie recounts the true-life, previously secret, back-channel negotiations in the development of the pivotal 1990s Oslo Peace Accords between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Screening will be moderated by Tereza Plíštilová and Ariel Reichard from IPS FSV UK.

The screening will take place on Wednesday, 15th November 2023, from 6 PM at FSV UK Hollar Building, Prague 1, Room H115.

In English, no reservation needed

Izrael a Hamás ve válce: jaké budou následky? (CZ)

23 October, 2023

V ranních hodinách 7. října 2023, právě na 50. výročí Jomkipurské války, otřásl Izraelem překvapivý a svým rozsahem bezprecedentní útok ozbrojených členů palestinského teroristického hnutí Hamás. Tato událost, vedoucí k vyhlášení válečného stavu v Izraeli, vedla k zahájení vojenských úderů na Hamásu v Pásmu Gazy.

Již nyní si konflikt vyžádal životy stovek civilních obětí na obou stranách.

Jaké jsou možné příčiny pochybení izraelského bezpečnostního aparátu před útokem Hamásu? Jaké jsou další možné scénáře vývoje konfliktu a jeho následky? Blíží se konec hnutí Hamás? Jakým způsobem válka ovlivní již tak velmi napjaté izraelsko-palestinské vztahy? A jak z krize vyjde současná vláda Benjamina Netanjahua?

Těmto otázkám se budou během naší diskuze věnovat ředitelka Herzlova centra izraelských studií UK Irena Kalhousová a novinář a bývalý zahraniční reportér České televize na Blízkém východě Jakub Szántó. Diskuzi bude moderovat Jan Bumba, moderátor Českého rozhlasu.

Diskuze proběhne ve spolupráci s Městskou knihovnou v Praze.

Akce se bude konat v pondělí 23. října 2023 od 17:00 v Velkém sále Městské knihovny v Praze (Mariánské náměstí 1, Praha 1) a bude také živě streamována na FB Herzlova centra UK, po akci bude k dispozici její záznam na Youtube kanálu Městské knihovny v Praze.

Diskuze bude probíhat v českém jazyce.

Rezervace není nutna.

Holocaust remembrance and foreign policy in East and Central Europe (ENG)

1 May, 2023

We are delighted to invite you to a guest lecture by Professor Jelena Subotić (Georgia State University) on the topic of "Holocaust Remembrance and Foreign Policy in East and Central Europe." Jelena Subotić is an renowned expert on the politics of memory with a focus on the Holocaust and its impact on East and Central Europe.

Following Jelena Subotic's lecture, Professor Daniel Levy (Stony Brook University) and Professor Eugene Finkel (Johns Hopkins University) will lead a discussion on the lecture's themes, including how memory and history shape foreign policy and the relationship between memory politics and democratic governance.

The lecture and subsequent discussion will be held on Thursday, 4 May 2023 at 5 p.m. at Jinonice Campus (Room C117), U Kříže 661/8, Prague 5.

No registration needed. 

Herzl Diskuze: Konec izraelské demokracie? (CZ)

17 April, 2023

For more than three months, Israel has been rocked by massive demonstrations against the controversial political steps of Benjamin Netanyahu's government, which include, above all, the judicial reform proposal. Critics of this reform claim that if it is implemented, Israel's democracy and the rule of law will be threatened. Are these fears justified, is there a threat of a change in the political system in Israel? And what impact does the current crisis have on Israeli society?

The Herzl Center for Israel Studies at Charles University cordially invites you to a discussion on the current domestic political crisis in Israel, which will be attended by political scientist and sociologist Petra Guasti (Department of Political Science IPS FSV UK), political scientist Jan Charvát (Department of Political Science IPS FSV UK) and the director of The Herzl Center for Israel Studies at Charles University Irena Kalhousová. Political scientist Tomáš Weiss (Department of European Studies IMS FSV UK) will take on the role of moderator of the discussion.

The discussion will take place on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 from 6:00 p.m.at Kampus Hybernská (Room Bar), Prague 1.

No registration needed.

The event will take place in Czech language.

Herzl Discussion: Are You Interested in Studying in Israel? (ENG)

28 March, 2023

Are you wondering how is it to study in the heart of the Middle East? Or are you simply exploring options to spend one or two semesters in not so conventional place? The Herzl Center for Israel Studies at Charles University cordially invites you for a panel discussion about studies in Israel.Come and discuss with former students Natália Božíková (studied at Reichman University), Tomáš Bachtík ( studied at Tel Aviv University), and Matěj Czvalinga (studied at Hebrew University) their past experiences in Israel!

Questions regarding the technical side of abroad study stays will be answered by Marie Stanovská from the International Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Charles University (FSV UK).

The discussion will be moderated by Tereza Plíštilová from the Institute of Political Studies of the FSV UK (IPS FSV UK).

All students of all program levels (BA, MA, and Ph.D.) are welcomed!

No registration needed.

The event will be held in English.

Herzl Movie Night vol. 2: Israeli Society in Movies (ENG)

6 February, 2023

The Herzl Center for Israel Studies is organizing its second Movie Night during which will be screened the movie by Avi Nesher Turn Left at the End of the World depicting the challenges immigrant societies experienced in the early 1960s with their new adaptation into a young and underdeveloped country with diverse ethnicities. At that time integration was a huge challenge which affected their everyday life in Israel.

The screening of the film will be followed by a thematic debate with Mansheetal Singh, the PhD Candidate from Institute of Sociological Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (ISS FSV UK).

The event will be held on Saturday February 15, 2023 in 5.30 PM at the FSV UK Building Hollar (Smetanovo nábřeží 6, Prague 1).

You are cordially invited to join us!

Herzl Movie Night vol. 1: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (ENG)

14 November, 2022

The Herzl Center for Israel Studies hosts the very first movie night! We are happy to launch a series of movie screenings during which we will watch and discuss together different aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well as problems and issues that different people and marginalized groups encounter in Israel/Palestine. The first movie we will be screening is Eran Riklis film Lemon Tree (2008); the story of a Palestinian widow who must defend her lemon tree field when a new Israeli Defense Minister moves next to her and threatens to have her lemon grove torn down.

The screening of the movie will be followed by open discussion facilliated by Tereza Plíštilová, the PhD Candidate from Institute of Politological Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (IPS FSV UK), and will take place on November 23, 2022 from 7 PM at the FSV UK Building Hollar (Smetanovo nábřeží 6, Prague 1).

You are cordially invited to join us!

Herzl discussion: Israel After the Election: What´s Next? (ENG)

23 October, 2022

The Herzl Center for Israel Studies at Charles University cordially invites you to the discussion on the results of the elections in Israel. Will Israel be able to form a stable coalition after the fifth election in three years?

We are honored to announce that our guests will be H.E. Anna Azari, the Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Czech Republic, Adam Coman, the Fellow from Charles University and Kateřina Moravcová from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The discussion will be moderated by Irena Kalhousová, Head of the Herzl Center for Israel Studies at Charles University.

The event will be held on 7th November 2022 at 18 PM in Kampus Hybernská 4 (Bar).

Czech Attitudes Towards Israel (Public Survey)

6 May, 2022

The Herzl Center for Israel Studies, in cooperation with the Peace Research Center Prague, conducted a survey on public attitudes of Czechs towards Israel.

On Monday May 16, 2022, we will be presenting the results of the survey. The presentation will be followed by a discussion with prominent Czech diplomats on Czech positions towards Israel.

The Herzl Center's Public Debate

10 October 2021

Will the Abraham Accords change the Middle East? Will the Abraham Accords foster intense bilateral cooperation between Israel and Arab states? What made these agreements possible? Come for a debate with very special guests: H.E. Ambassador Anna Azari, Representative of the State of Israel to the Czech Republic, H.E. Ambassador Hanane Saadi, Maroccan Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Charles A. Kupchan, a senior fellow, Council on Foreign Relations, Washington D.C., USA. Moderator: Irena Kalhousova, Head of the Herzl Center for Israel Studies

October 10. 2021 at 4PM, Maisel Synagogue, Maiselova 10, Praha 1

The Herzl Center's Public Debate

24. března 2021

Herzlovo centrum ve spolupráci s Asociací pro mezinárodní otázky vás zve na diskuzi k izraelským volbám. Za poslední dva roky půjdou izraelci již počvrté k volbách. Co je příčinou této bezprecedentní situace? Proč je izraelská politická scéna tak nestabilní? Jak tyto volby ovlivlnil Covid-19, či nástup nového amerického prezidenta Bidena? A lze čekat po těchto volbách stabilizaci politické situace v Izraeli? O tom spolu budou hovořit Irena Kalhousová, ředitelka Herzlova centra izraelských studií na UK a Jakub Szánto, zahraniční editor České televize.

Zde záznam z debaty:


The Herzl Center's Book Launch

18. března 2021

Herzlovo centrum vás zve na diskuzi s Annou Hájkovou z Warwick University o její nové knize The Last Ghetto: An Everyday History of Theresienstadt vydanou v Oxford University Press. Budeme se bavit o tématu knihy, o současné historiografii a také o tom, jak uspět s knihou u prestižního akademického nakladatelství.

Moderuje Irena Kalhousová

Odkaz na Zoom:



The Herzl Center's Webinar

4 December 2020

The Herzl Center for Israel Studies invites you to a webinar on Israel's Society and Diplomacy at a Crossroad? Our guests are Yossi Klein Halevi, Senior Fellow at Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, and journalists Noa Landau and Anshel Pfeffer from Haaretz. We will discuss the impact of Covid-19 on Israeli society and Israeli relations with the US and the EU.

The webinar is co-organized with the Jagellonian University in Krakow. No registration needed. The discussion will be in English. 

The recording is available here:


The Herzl Center's Public Debate

3 March 2020

Herzl Center for Israel Studies at Charles University invites you for a discussion "Make Israel Great Again: Is Trump's 'Deal of the century' good for Israel?" With three distinguished guests, we will talk about the latest diplomatic initiative of the U.S. government related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Irit Amitai, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Israel, Rob Geist Pinfold, King's College London/Haifa University, and Jakub Szántó, Foreign Affairs Correspondent, Czech TV. Chaired by Irena Kalhousová. Date: 3 March 2020, 18:00. Place: Studentský klub Celetná. Celetná 20. No registration needed. The discussion will be in English. 

The Debate organized by the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM

24 February 2020

INVITATION: Café Evropa: Middle East and the EU – What is our role?

Come sit with us and discuss a topic that moves the EU. We kindly invite you to a debate titled "Middle East and the EU – What is our role?", which we co-organized in cooperation with the European Commission in the CR and the European Parliament Bureau. The discussion will take place on the 24th of February in Evropský dům (Jungmannova 24, Praha 1).

The speakers are:

  • Irena Kalhousová, Head of Herzl Center of Israel Studies at Charles University

  • Jana Hybášková, Ambassadress and Plenipotentiary of the Secretary of State for relations with EEAS, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

The debate will be hosted by Hospodářské noviny's journalist Ondřej Houska.

The Herzl Center's Public Debate

15 September 2019

Herzl Center for Israel Studies at Charles University invites you for a discussion Humans of the Conflict: The Grassroots Struggle for Peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

In the time of the political stalemate, when important actors of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict do not pursue compromise and peace, can grassroots initiatives bring a change? Can civil organizations be more effective than politicians and diplomats in building bridges between Israelis and Palestinians? Ali Abu Awwad, a former Palestine Fatah activist who spent a few years in Israeli prisons became an advocate of non-violent resistance in Palestine through "Taghyeer" (change), the movement of which he is the founder. Jean-Marc Liling, an attorney who worked for the Israeli government and who specialises in issues pertaining to migration and asylum in Israel joined Ali in founding "Karama" (dignity). Together with many other local activists, they support activities encouraging a dialogue between the two communities, between Israelis and Palestinians, between Jews, Muslims and Christians.

In Prague, during the conference Festival of Democracy, they will discuss their vision for Israel and Palestine and their ideas about how Israelis and Palestinians could co-exist in peace and dignity. Moderated by Irena Kalhousová. Date: 15 October 2019. Place: Kino Ponrepo. No registration needed. The discussion will be in English. 

The Herzl Center's Public Debate

13 September 2019

The Herzl Center for Israel studies cordially invites you for a public debate The Rise of Illiberalism: The Case of Israel. The basic pillars of democracy, among them independent courts and independent media, have become in many democratic states under the attack of democratically elected politicians. Nationalism and rights of a majority became accented at the expense of liberal values. In electoral campaigns, political opponents are depicted as a threat to the stability of a state. Israel is not immune to many of those trends. How robust is Israeli democracy? To what extent are illiberal tendencies in the USA and Europe similar or different to those in Israel? Can the growing focus on the Jewish character of Israel weaken the democratic character of the state? These topics and other issues will be discussed during the 23rd Forum2000 Conference by Rachel Azaria, a member of the Knesset (2015-2019) for Kulanu Party and Gadi Taub, a historian from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a political commentator. Moderated by Irena Kalhousová, Head of The Herzl Center for Israel Studies, Charles University. Date: 13 October 2019. Place: Maisel Synagogue, Maiselova 10, Praha 1. No registration needed. The discussion will be in English. 

Opening Ceremony

9 September 2019

An official opening ceremony of The Herzl Center for Israel Studies (HCIS) at Charles University took place on September 9, 2019. The event was held as a part of the 8th International Conference on Israel Studies “Democracy in Challenging Times: Israel, Europe and the World,” organized by the European Association of Israel Studies (EAIS). 

Among the speakers were Vice-Rektor professor Lenka Rovná, Dead of the Faculty of Social Sciences Dr. Alice Němcová-Tejkalová, Executive Director of Israel Insitute Dr. Ariel Roth, Chair of the European Association of Israel Studies professor Joanna Dyduch, a founder of the Herzl Center Dr. Kateřina Králová, and Head of the Herzl Center Dr. Irena Kalhousová.

The Herzl Center Opening Press Release

6 September 2019

The Faculty of Social Science, Charles University, issued a press release announcing the opening the The Herzl Center for Israel Studies.

You can read it here in English and here in Czech.

Last change: November 3, 2024 14:03 
Contact Us

The Herzl Center for Israel Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences

Charles University

U Kříže 8

158 00 Praha 5

Czech Republic


How to Reach Us