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  • Academic Position: Board Chairman of the Herzl Center of Israel Studies

Academic Position: Board Chairman of the Herzl Center of Israel Studies


The Herzl Center of Israel Studies (HCIS) is a newly established international academic and educational institution devoted to interdisciplinary research related to the modern State of Israel. It was founded in cooperation with the Israel Institute in Washington, DC in 2018 and is now an integral part of the Charles University. The HCIS focuses on researching the topics, related to the social, cultural, economic and political advancement of the state of Israel.

The Board Chairman of the HCIS will support and promote the Center’s mission through leading and encouraging innovation in teaching and research in the area of Israeli Studies. S/he will be further expected to enhance international and regional cooperation with relevant partners and institutions. The Board Chairman should be able to independently articulate a plan for Center’s efficient growth and development, focusing on its key research areas.

Location: Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Conditions: Full-Time Employment (fixed duration of 3 years), salary in the accordance with the Charles University internal financial regulations.


Required Qualifications:

  • Awarded Ph.D. degree or close to completion (December 2019 at the latest)

  • Academic expertise pertaining to the field of Israeli Studies with a list of relevant publications (adequate to the career stage)

  • Previous teaching experience

  • Excellent command of the English language (C1 level; equivalent to previous long-term study in the English language, English University diploma, or publications in English)

  • Knowledge of modern Hebrew, knowledge of Arabic will be considered advantage

  • Previous experience with group leadership preferred


Key Responsibilities:

  • Conduct strategic planning related to the execution of HCIS’s research and education mission

  • Develop and teach regular seminars and lectures related to the area of Israeli studies

  • Select doctoral and post-doctoral fellows – members of HCIS

  • Encourage and support regional and international cooperation and research

  • Maintain and develop further partnership with Israeli academic institutions

  • Cooperate closely with the Israel Institute in Washington, DC

  • Arrange public conferences, workshops and seminars


Application Requirements:

  • Academic CV

  • List of publications

  • Registered copy of the higher education diploma


In case of interest, please send your application by email to kariera@fsv.cuni.cz or to the following address: Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, Personální oddělení, Smetanovo nábřeží 6, 110 01 Praha 1, Czech Republic. Deadline for applications: February 12, 2019.


Further information about the position may be obtained from herzlcenter@fsv.cuni.cz.

Last change: September 2, 2019 11:41 
Contact Us

The Herzl Center for Israel Studies

Faculty of Social Sciences

Charles University

U Kříže 8

158 00 Praha 5

Czech Republic


How to Reach Us