Dr. Emmanuelle Blanc is currently a post-doctoral research fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), where she also teaches on the university’s interdisciplinary flagship course - LSE 100. Prior to joining LSE 100, Emmanuelle taught Foreign Policy Analysis in the Department of International Relations at the LSE and IR at King's College, London.
Her research focuses on the study of EU foreign policy and the practice of dialogue in International Relations, drawing on socio-psychological insights. While her doctoral research examined transatlantic relations, she also has an extensive background as an analyst of EU-Israel ties. Prior to joining LSE, Emmanuelle conducted multiple research projects on EU-Israel relations at the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) - a leading Israeli think tank - as well as for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Her work has been published in the Journal of International Relations and Development (JIRD), in Politics, and by the European Forum at the Hebrew University. She holds a PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences. Passionate about pedagogy, she also completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education at the Full Associate Level.
2018 PhD in International Relations, London School of Economics and Politics Science, UK
2012 MA in International Relations, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel
2008 BA in International Relations, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel
Academic Positions
2019 - Present London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, Post-Doctoral Fellow
2018-19 King’s College London, UK, Teaching Fellow
2014-18 London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, Graduate Teaching Assistant
Research Fellowships
2012-13 The Institute for National Security Studies, Israel, Research Fellow
2009-13 Yad Vashem, The World Holocaust Remembrance Center, Jerusalem, Israel
Emmanuelle Blanc, 2021 (forthcoming): "We need to talk": Trump's electoral rhetoric and the role of transatlantic dialogues," Special Issue on 'Elections, Rhetoric and American Foreign Policy,' Politics.
Emmanuelle Blanc and Tal Dingott-Alkopher, 2017, "Schengen Area Shaken: The Impact of Immigration-related Threat Perceptions on the European Security Community: The Case of the Schengen Area," Journal of International Relations and Development, 20 (3): 511- 542.
Emmanuelle Blanc, 2014, "When Soft Power Meets Hard Security: Can the EU’s non- proliferation policy contribute to Israel’s national security?," In: Arms Control and National Security: New Horizons. Eds. Landau, Emily B. and Kurz, Anat. Memorandum No. 135, Tel Aviv: Institute for National Security Studies (INSS).
Emmanuelle Blanc, "Whither the International Nuclear Order?," In: Arms Control and National Security: The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime at a Crossroads. Eds. Landau, Emily B. and Bermant, Azriel. Memorandum No. 137, Tel Aviv: Institute for National Security Studies (INSS).
Courses taught in the academic year 2020-21:
The EU and Israel: An Uneasy Partnership (winter term: hybrid online and in-class course)
Email: e.blanc1@lse.ac.uk
The Herzl Center for Israel Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences
Charles University
U Kříže 8
158 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
Email: herzlcenter@fsv.cuni.cz